The Price of Empathy: A Lesson Learned Through Mockery and Compassion

My Daughter Mocked Classmate’s Cheap Birthday Gift until She Learned the Truth from the Girl’s Mother

Trapped in a metamorphosis, Linda observes her daughter Chris’s transition from contempt to compassion following the revelation of a painful fact about a fellow student.

Through Chris’s transformation of her birthday into a mission, a story of healing and hope is told from the perspective of a mother, telling a tale of redemption.

We’ve been married for twenty-five years, during which we’ve experienced love, grief, and the difficulties of parenting our kids. There was a gap in our family after Leo, our first son, passed away from cancer when he was only a teenager and Chris was a child.

Our goal has always been to honour Leo’s memory without putting Chris in jeopardy. I now realise that maybe we overcompensated in our sadness, giving in to Chris’s every desire, which might not have been the greatest course of action.

We didn’t completely understand her sense of entitlement until it was too late because she was raised receiving whatever she desired. Admitting to me that we reared a high school bully is a difficult pill to take.

Following a recent event, this realisation really touched home and made me face the hard reality of how our parenting decisions have affected Chris’s behaviour.

The whole story I’m about to share started when my husband, Dan, and I decided to invite Monica, the girl Chris frequently argued with, to her Sweet 16 celebration in an attempt to patch up the rifts left by Chris’s actions.

By doing this, we sought to strengthen the bonds between Chris and the people she had hurt and teach our daughter the value of compassion and understanding.

The choice was made out of love and a desire to show Chris the importance of friendship and understanding while also putting her on a better path.

We had no idea that our peacemaking effort would reveal more serious problems and pave the way for an important family lesson in forgiveness and atonement.

Before it was time to give gifts, the girls appeared to be putting their prior issues behind them and chatting away, creating an unexpectedly cosy mood.

Unable to afford a lavish gift, Monica decided to give Chris some handmade soap, which she created with love and as a pastime.

She had even opened a modest online store where she sold her works, demonstrating her talent and commitment.

With pride, Monica gave Chris a bar of soap that had been painstakingly moulded into the shape of a rose and scented with a subtle rose aroma. It was a tangible sign of her sincere efforts and concern.

Chris, on the other hand, didn’t respond in a way that was remotely appreciative; instead, she publicly chastised Monica for the gift’s lack of complexity and monetary value, embarrassing her in front of everyone.

We decided it would be great to treat the girls to some time at a salon while we took care of a few things, despite the bad circumstances.

Chris always took great pride in her long, luxurious hair, which gave her the nickname “Rapunzel.” Therefore, it seemed fitting that her friends and she spend the day taking care of her hair.

When I returned, I was expecting to see everyone grinning, but Monica was sitting there looking quite dejected and lacking the elaborate hairstyles and manicures that the others had.

As it turned out, Chris had actually instructed the salon employees to “punish” Monica for the soap she had given as a gift by telling them not to fix her nails or hair.

When I saw the hurt in Monica’s eyes and realised how far things had gone, I was astounded. It was like receiving a kick to the gut.

Tension was high after the salon incident, so much so that we decided to end Chris’s celebration early. The vehicle trip home was a dismal stillness broken only by Chris’s gloomy attitude.

I knew as soon as I got home that I had to deal with the matter head-on. I drew Chris aside for a harsh, private talk about her behaviour and how it affected Monica.

I gave her an option, stressing the value of empathy and the repercussions of her actions: either make a genuine apology to Monica and use her own funds to pay for the salon services she missed, or forfeit the opportunity to have a birthday celebration the next year.

It was a challenging but essential parenting experience meant to impart to her a priceless lesson in decency and responsibility.

After a year, Monica switched schools due to the constant bullying she faced, and Chris had not resolved the matter with her.

As things got out of hand, Chris was summoned to the principal’s office where she was told the hard truth: her behaviour was ruining her late brother’s reputation as a nice and caring person.

I was on the edge of giving up because of this confrontation and Chris’s recurrent detentions; I wondered where we had gone wrong and how we could help her return to the ideals we believed we had taught.

I couldn’t help but think that Chris would have been affected differently by Leo’s presence, as a real-life example of kindness and goodness.

Later, on one of our regular trips to the grocery store, Chris and I happened to run into Monica’s mother. I took advantage of the situation and demanded that Chris give her an apology, hoping for a sincere moment of peace.

But the talk stopped dead in its tracks, with neither of us entirely expecting what was about to happen. The news Monica’s mother then broke stunned both of us, exposing a level of struggle we could never have predicted.

“You know, the move turned out to be a blessing in disguise. The students at her previous school supported her, however I can’t image how they would have felt if she had to shave her head.”

Chris’s eyes widened at the suspicion, as I noticed.

“Mrs. Taylor… why did Monica have to shave her head?”

“Oh,” the woman said without attempting to mask her venomous tone. “Because you bullied her for her poverty without hesitation, I assumed you knew everything there was to know about her.

“You see, she had her own struggle, which is why she was unable to afford to purchase you a costly gift. We had recently learned that she had a tumour, so we spent all of our money on intensive treatment. But since cancer spread, we had to start chemotherapy, and she lost her hair as a result.” The woman shook her head after taking her time examining my daughter’s beautiful, golden hair.

Upon learning about Monica’s cancer battle, I was immediately brought back to the worst of Leo’s days. Chris had tears in his eyes, so I knew she had also recalled. The anguish mixed with disbelief was too much to handle. However, something changed in Chris at that very moment.

It seemed as though the significance of her deeds and Monica’s struggle finally made sense to her, causing a deep internal shift.

It was a glimpse of the compassion we’d intended to inculcate in her, a blend of regret, empathy, and a renewed commitment to make apologies.

When I entered Chris’s room later that night, I saw her engrossed in the scrapbook containing Leo’s pictures.

She sat on the floor, holding onto memories of a sibling she hardly knew, the faint light barely illuminating her tear-streaked face. Something inside me broke witnessing her collapse.

We didn’t need to say anything as she looked up and met my eyes; her sobs, which we had both attempted to suppress, echoed as she threw herself into my arms. She sobbed as she expressed her grief and desire for atonement for the abuse she had inflicted upon Monica. I embraced her tightly while hushedly telling her that there was still time to put things right and use her guilt to her advantage. A gap that had silently formed between us was bridged in that instant of pure vulnerability.

The day after our talk, Chris came up to me and asked to schedule a time to see her hair stylist. She told me that, although she was aware of the expensive price of real hair wigs, she intended to donate her hair to Monica in order to get a wig. Touched by her generosity, she went out to her friends and suggested that they organise a fundraiser to support Monica’s chemotherapy treatments.

Her friends were first apprehensive, but after learning about our family’s own experience with cancer, they came together in support.

Inspired by Chris’s idea, our extended family also made a substantial financial contribution to the cause, wishing Leo well and sending him our best wishes for keeping an eye on Monica.

Rather than celebrating Chris’s birthday the traditional way, we saw a lovely act of generosity as Monica accepted the wig that Chris had manufactured for her in addition to the money we had contributed. Monica’s family was ecstatic to receive these thoughtful gifts.

With Monica and the other girls receiving equal pampering at the salon, it was a day filled with pure beauty and happiness. Monica felt so much better when her nails shone and her new wig was shaped and coloured. This time, there were sincere grins and giggles throughout the salon, demonstrating the ability of kindness and transformation.