Forensic experts used old skulls to show what Jesus might’ve looked like, and it’s a whole new look - NEWS20CLICK

We all have a mental image of what Jesus looks like – long hair, blue eyes, and a flowing cream robe. But did you know that these popular depictions are likely inaccurate? The New Testament offers no description of Jesus’s physical appearance, and with no DNA evidence to guide us, the true likeness of Jesus has remained a mystery. However, recent advancements in technology and forensic science have brought us closer to understanding what Jesus might have really looked like.

Dutch artist Bas Uterwijk used cutting-edge computer technology to render an image of Jesus that is believed to be more accurate. Uterwijk trained a computer program on various photos and paintings, including Leonardo da Vinci’s renowned artwork “Salvator Mundi.” By adjusting features to resemble someone from the Middle East, Uterwijk aimed to create a portrayal that aligns with Jesus’s time and place. It’s important to note that his image is an artistic interpretation rather than a definitive representation.

In a similar vein, UK scientists and Israeli researchers embarked on a project using ancient skulls and modern forensics to construct a 3D image of Jesus’s face. Led by Dr. Richard Neave, who is known for reconstructing historical figures, they combined science and history to piece together a plausible likeness of Jesus. Their research indicates that Jesus might have had a broad face, dark eyes, short dark hair, a thick beard, and tan skin, resembling the people of Galilee during his time.

The team employed advanced methods for this undertaking. They started with X-rays of three skulls dating back to Jesus’s era and region. By examining and analyzing these skulls slice by slice using computer technology, they were able to estimate the thickness of the skin and muscles. These findings informed the creation of a 3D digital model and a physical clay model that matched the suggested measurements. Fine-tuning details like the eyes, lips, and nose came from studying the skull’s shape.

While the skull analysis provided valuable insights, it couldn’t disclose everything, such as eye color or hairstyle. Relying on first-century artwork predating the Bible, the researchers inferred that Jesus likely had dark eyes and a beard, aligning with Jewish traditions of the time. Furthermore, they deduced that Jesus had short hair with tight curls, contrary to popular portrayals. An indication from the Bible, specifically a line by the apostle Paul, suggested that Jesus would have had short rather than long hair. This differs from the famous Shroud of Turin, which shows a long-haired man and is believed by some to be Jesus.

According to research findings, Jesus was probably around 5 feet 1 inch tall and weighed approximately 110 pounds. As a carpenter who worked outdoors until the age of 30, it is likely that he had a tan and a more muscular physique than depicted in many artworks.

These discoveries have sparked great interest and discussion, with many people expressing their amazement and agreement. Interestingly, the updated image of Jesus bears a resemblance to a painting called “Prince of Peace” by Akiane Kramarik, who created it when she was only eight years old. Akiane claims to have painted Jesus as she saw him in her dreams, and her artwork has gained global recognition.

The unveiling of these new interpretations of Jesus’s appearance invites us to reconsider our preconceived notions. It’s remarkable how science and technology can illuminate the past, allowing us to delve into the mysteries of history. This innovative approach to recreating Jesus’s likeness is truly fascinating.

What do you think of this revelation? Share your thoughts and let’s engage in a discussion about Jesus’s updated appearance!