I can’t imagine going on a road trip without a GPS nowadays. Technology has become such a big part of our lives. But have you ever wondered how people used to find their way in the woods before maps or GPS? It turns out there were hidden secrets in nature, and it involved bent trees.

Across the United States, you may come across oddly shaped trees. Some have kinks or bend at strange angles. While some of these trees may just be quirks of nature, most of them are actually landmarks that helped guide indigenous people on their journeys. Native Americans would bend young trees to create permanent trail markers. These markers would designate safe paths through rough terrain and point travelers towards water, food, or other important landmarks. Over the years, the trees grew, preserving their original shape, but their purpose was eventually forgotten as modern life took over. Even though we may not need these “trail trees” to navigate anymore, their place in history makes them truly invaluable. Just imagine the stories these trees could tell!

But how can you distinguish between trees shaped by Mother Nature and those shaped by Native Americans? Well, there are a couple of key features. For example, many trees in the forest can naturally bend, similar to the one shown in the picture above. However, trees shaped by Native Americans have a noticeable nose or notch that sticks out at the end of the bend. This was created by inserting a piece of the tree into a hole and allowing it to grow around it. So if you come across a bent tree with a distinct nose, chances are it was intentionally shaped by humans.

Another small detail to look for is scars on the top part of the inner bed. These scars are from where straps were placed when the trees were young. These trees have witnessed history and stood the test of time, but unfortunately, many natural wonders get destroyed by human activities. With the expanding population, these trees may face the risk of being cut down in the near future.

That’s why the Mountain Stewards website was created. The site has mapped out more than 1,000 bent trees all over the country and documented their exact locations. It’s a race against time to see these incredible remnants of American history before they’re gone forever. So, whether you’re young or old, why not embark on an adventure and explore these hidden gems of nature? You never know what stories you might uncover!