Yesterday, the world was shocked to learn that King Charles is battling cancer. The news came after his gynecological treatment for a large prostate. Buckingham Palace clarified that the prostate is not the cause of the cancer and that a separate issue was discovered during the treatment. According to the doctor, if the disease has spread to vital organs and is difficult to treat, King Charles may have limited time left.

King Charles will be taking a medical leave of absence from his public duties while receiving treatment. However, the palace remains optimistic about his prognosis. His doctors have advised him to stay out of the spotlight during this time but he will continue with his official duties and documentation. The King is grateful for his doctors’ prompt assistance and is hopeful about his care. He hopes that by sharing his diagnosis, he can educate others about cancer.

According to medical professionals, Charles’ cancer is most likely located near his prostate and may have spread to his stomach, liver, or lungs. While prostate cancer alone does not usually result in death, treating cancer that has spread to organs like the liver and lung poses significant challenges. It is estimated that if the cancer has spread, King Charles may have only a few years to live.

We send our well wishes and hope for a speedy recovery for King Charles!