A Horse Bids Goodbye to His Owner Who Never Gave Up on Him for Years - NEWS20CLICK

An animal’s loyalty to their owners is very touching. An American midwife, Janna, shared a heartwarming story about her father and his beloved horse, “Major”, on Facebook. In October 2020, Janna’s father passed away. During the wake, while family members stood beside his coffin, Major arrived to pay his respects to his owner, much to everyone’s surprise.

Janna recalled that her father brought Major home despite her mother’s objections a few years back. At the time, Major was a young stallion and was vicious due to the abuse of his former owners. “I’ll never forget the day my mom called me in a panic,” Janna recalled. “She said, ‘Janna, you’ve got to convince your daddy to get rid of that horse, it’s gonna kill him!’”

The previous owners used drastic techniques to “break” a wild horse. They would beat them and tie their heads tightly between 2 posts without giving them food and water for 4 weeks. Major stood strong but was ferocious when Janna’s father brought him home.

No matter how the family opposed it, Janna’s father was headstrong and still took the major home. When he arrived with the untamed horse, the stallion broke through 5 strands of fence and attacked anyone within distance. The family could not accept such a vicious horse within the vicinity, but the father never gave up on Major. Although he knew he could never break the stallion, he tried his best to earn Major’s trust.

Janna’s father spent hours every day to earn Major’s trust. Finally, after 2 full years, the stallion allowed Janna’s father to ride him. Whenever he would go out, Major would kiss him on his forehead again and again. They have built trust with each other and a bond that only they would understand.

However, when Janna’s father passed away, it was only fitting to allow Major to say goodbye to the man who spent years earning his trust and never gave up. During the family’s farewell ceremony, everyone witnessed how Major arrived and paid homage to his persistent owner. He leaned towards the coffin and gave his owner a final kiss. This is Major’s last kiss to the person who saved him.

The stallion kept his owner’s love in his heart!

Janna shared a photo of Major’s last kiss and a heartwarming story that touched the hearts of netizens around the world. The story garnered over 65,000 Likes and was shared more than 170,000 times. This overwhelmed Janna who said that Major will continue living on the family farm and they will take over caring for him. She also believes that her father’s spirit in Heaven looks down on them and guards Major and the family.