Mother Asks Internet For Help After Finding Mysterious Piles of 'Brown Bits' In Daughter's Bedroom

Kelli Tarin and her family recently moved into a new rental home in west Texas. Shortly after settling in, however, they encountered a strange problem. Kelli noticed mysterious piles of brown bits in her daughter’s bedroom. Perplexed and curious, she turned to the Homemaking Tips Facebook group for assistance.

She posted a photo of the puzzling piles, describing them as looking like coffee grounds. The post quickly gained attention, with many people offering suggestions and theories to help Kelli solve the mystery. Some recommended installing cameras to monitor the room, while others speculated about potential culprits like termites or rodent droppings. Despite reaching out to pest control companies, the issue persisted.

Lavender Bear Filled with Beads

Kelli provided an update to the group, explaining that even the pest control experts were stumped by the brown bits. She ruled out common pests like bats, roaches, and mice, as their droppings didn’t match the appearance of the mysterious piles.

Then, a comment caught Kelli’s attention. Another Facebook group member mentioned finding similar brown bits inside their child’s broken lavender bear. This piqued Kelli’s interest, prompting her to check her daughter’s toys. To her surprise, she discovered a lavender bear with a hole in it.

As Kelli inspected the bear more closely, she realized that it contained small beads that had spilled out, closely resembling the mysterious brown bits in her daughter’s bedroom. In a moment of relief, Kelli laughed, realizing that the source of the “brown bits” was simply the filling from the broken lavender bear.