Once upon a time, a husband and wife found themselves at a bus stop with their nine lively children. They were patiently waiting for the bus to arrive, hoping it wouldn’t be too crowded. As they stood there, a blind man joined them.

Finally, the bus pulled up, but to everyone’s disappointment, it was already packed with passengers. The only ones who could manage to squeeze onto the bus were the wife and their nine kids. Left behind were the husband and the blind man.

Instead of giving up, the husband and the blind man decided to walk to their destination. As they strolled together, a slight annoyance started to build within the husband. He found the repetitive ticking sound of the blind man’s stick tapping on the sidewalk quite bothersome. Unable to contain himself any longer, the husband finally spoke up.

“Why don’t you put a piece of rubber at the end of your stick? That ticking sound is driving me crazy,” he vented to the blind man.

With a calm and steady voice, the blind man retorted, “If you had put a rubber at the end of YOUR stick, we would be riding the bus right now. So, shut the hell up.”

Sometimes, life reminds us that we each have our own unique challenges and obstacles. It is important to remember that a little understanding and empathy can go a long way in making our journey together more enjoyable.