Being told that you’re pregnant when you haven’t had sex with a man in six years can be quite a shock, especially for a lesbian woman. That’s exactly what happened to a 23-year-old woman who reached out to the AskDocs sub on Reddit for advice. She was scared and confused, thinking it could be cancer, sexual assault, or some other unknown reason.

The young woman explained that she was not very sexually active, but she did have occasional intimate relations with a woman she was sort of dating. However, her partner being born female, she couldn’t possibly be the cause of the pregnancy. The last time she had sex with a man was in high school, six years prior.

After experiencing occasional vomiting for about a month, the woman decided to visit a clinic in Tennessee. To her disbelief, she was told that she was pregnant. She tried to explain that it was impossible, but the staff insisted that she was indeed pregnant. This left her feeling scared and desperate for answers.

Concerned about the possibility of cancer, she turned to Reddit for advice. She also considered the time she spent at her female friend’s house in November 2023, where she had a few drinks while watching a football game. Worried that something might have happened that she didn’t remember, she reached out to her friend’s husband, who denied any sexual encounter.

Feeling overwhelmed and uncertain, the woman sought support from the Reddit community. She shared her fears and concerns, and many users provided helpful responses to ease her worries. She was grateful for their support, even though she still didn’t have all the answers.

Finally, after a series of medical tests and an emergency room visit, it was discovered that the woman had an immature teratoma tumor on her ovary. The tumor was causing the positive pregnancy test and her vomiting. Although she still had to wait for pathology results to confirm if the tumor was cancerous, she felt relieved that she wasn’t pregnant and that her condition was likely treatable.

Throughout this challenging experience, the woman’s parents and friends provided support and reassurance. The Reddit community and medical professionals played a crucial role in offering guidance and comfort. It was a rollercoaster of emotions, but she was grateful for the help she received.

In her final update, the woman expressed her gratitude to everyone who had answered her questions and supported her during this difficult time. She felt a sense of relief knowing she wasn’t pregnant, and if she did have cancer, it was likely treatable. The journey wasn’t easy, but she was thankful for the kindness and understanding she received.

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