A heartwarming story out of Jacksonville, Florida reminds us of the bravery and heroism that can be found in even the youngest among us. Seven-year-old Chase Poust, his father Steven, and four-year-old sister Abigail set out for a day of boating on the St. Johns River near Mandarin Point. Little did they know that their adventure would take an unexpected turn.

The family had anchored their boat, with Steven planning to do some fishing while the kids enjoyed a swim nearby. But the strong current proved to be more formidable than they had anticipated. In a frightening moment, Abigail, wearing a life jacket, was suddenly pulled away from the safety of the boat.

Without hesitation, young Chase sprang into action. Despite not wearing a life jacket himself, he let go of the boat and swam towards his sister, determined to help her. Even Steven, their father, dove into the water in an attempt to reach Abigail. But the current was relentless, and she continued to drift away.

In an exclusive interview with news channel WJXT, Chase revealed what happened next. He said, “The current was so strong that my sister—who usually hangs out at the back of the boat—and she let go. So, I let go of the boat and grabbed her, and then, I was stuck.”

Although scared and alone, Chase summoned his courage and swam for an entire hour against the current, using a combination of doggie paddle and floating on his back to conserve energy. Finally, he reached the shore, where he ran to a nearby home to seek help.

Thankfully, someone heard Steven’s cries for help and spotted Chase making it safely to shore. The Sheriff’s Office and Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission were alerted, and it wasn’t long before they arrived to rescue Steven and Abigail, who had drifted a mile away from their boat.

At a news conference, the Jacksonville Fire and Rescue Department expressed their gratitude for this miraculous outcome. Eric Prosswimmer, a spokesperson for the department, said, “We had every resource we could have possibly had coming quickly, and we’re happy to say all three have been recovered, and all three are doing well. We couldn’t ask for a better outcome.”

This heartwarming tale serves as a reminder of the importance of water safety, particularly when children are involved. Always exercise extreme caution and be prepared for unforeseen circumstances. Share this incredible story to raise awareness of water dangers and to commend Chase for his bravery.