Criminals in Long Island, New York are resorting to despicable measures that are threatening the safety and well-being of local communities. They have installed illicit vending machines in public places, selling crack pipes to anyone who approaches them, including drug addicts and even children. Originally intended to dispense tampons, these machines have been repurposed to distribute drug paraphernalia, causing outrage among the public.

Suffolk County has long been battling drug abuse issues, and its police department is tirelessly working to address these concerns. However, their efforts are often undermined by creative criminals who constantly find new ways to exploit the system. These refurbished tampon vending machines, now selling crack pipes, are a prime example of this frustrating challenge.

The vending machines, labeled as “Sketch Pens,” are a blatant affront to public safety. Criminals are charging two dollars for each ceramic tube, making it easily accessible for users to smoke the dangerous and addictive drug. Unfortunately, law enforcement officials are unsure of who installed these vending machines. They suspect drug dealers or opportunistic entrepreneurs taking advantage of regulatory loopholes and setting up these machines without proper permits on street corners.

Residents of Suffolk County, who desperately seek an end to the drug epidemic in their communities, are shocked at the audacity of these criminals and their tactic of using drug paraphernalia vending machines. In just four years, between 2009 and 2013, Suffolk County witnessed a staggering 337 heroin-related deaths, the highest in any county in New York state.

Anthony Minichini, a Suffolk County resident, stumbled upon one of these crack vending machines near a bus stop and expressed his frustration, hoping for an end to such criminal activities. Local authorities fully support the sentiments of their residents. Brookhaven City Manager Ed Romaine acknowledged the concerns, stating, “People who were selling crack were obviously having problems with their customers finding crack pipes, and they thought this would be an ingenious solution.”

The median home price in Suffolk County is currently $376,700, more than double the national median price for existing homes. It is disheartening to see that amidst these challenging circumstances, drug users in Long Island find it easy to acquire these “sketch pens.” However, Suffolk County is taking proactive steps by selling them through vending machines.

It is essential for the public to be vigilant and report any criminal activity or suspicious vending machines to the authorities. By working together, we can ensure the safety and security of our neighborhoods and protect them from the scourge of drugs.