When Gabby’s late mother’s will revealed that she had left everything to Gabby, it caused quite a stir among Gabby’s siblings. Maya, Tasmin, and Robert couldn’t believe it. They opened their envelopes, expecting to find their share, but instead, they discovered that Mom had bestowed her entire estate to Gabby. The news left them shocked and hurt.

The lawyer sitting at his desk | Source: Pexels

“Why did Mom leave everything to Gabby?” Maya blurted out, causing the lawyer to gasp.

“You both have to hear this,” she continued, looking at Tasmin and Robert. “This letter explains it all. Mom felt abandoned by both of you. She believed that Gabby was the only one who truly cared about her.”

Hearing the words out loud sounded harsh, even to Gabby. It wasn’t as if Gabby had sought to be the favored child. Gabby had simply loved Mom and wanted to be there for her during her illness. The motivation was never about money; it was about being there for Mom, just like any loving child would be.

Handwritten letter on table | Source: Unsplash

The letter not only held the details of Mom’s inheritance decision but also expressed her thoughts and emotions. Mom had felt the pain of abandonment by her oldest children, and that pain lingered until her last breath.

The symbolic dollar each of them received was a tough-love reminder of what they had failed to give Mom when she needed it the most.

Gabby stood there, clutching the letter tightly in their hand. It felt like holding a burning coal, scorching their palm. In the frustration of the moment, they accidentally got a paper cut from the letter.

“I never asked for any of this,” Gabby explained, trying to make their siblings understand.

Woman holding her nose | Source: Pexels

“Please,” Gabby insisted, desperately wanting their siblings to comprehend. But it seemed like an impossible task.

The aftermath of the revelation led to a storm of emotions, with Gabby’s siblings ignoring them for weeks. However, as time passed, they began to reach out to Gabby, not to argue about the will, but to genuinely talk.

They decided to gather at Mom’s house, cooking together and reminiscing about the good and bad times. They laughed about the countless curfews that Robert had defied during his teenage rebellion. Slowly, the rift between them started to heal.

People in the kitchen together | Source: Pexels

In the end, a consensus was reached. Gabby would keep their own apartment as their home, while Mom’s house would become the official family home, a place where the family could come together.

Gabby’s siblings agreed, accompanying them to the bank to settle everything amicably. It was a moment of unity, where Mom’s final lesson became clear. It wasn’t about who cared the most or who was present in the end. It was about understanding Mom’s emotions during her final months. Mom wanted her children to learn how to be a united family, to forgive each other, and to cherish the fact that they were siblings.

Person signing paperwork | Source: Pexels

Gabby is confident that Mom would be proud of their newfound harmony.

People around a table | Source: Pexels

So, what would you have done if you were in Gabby’s shoes? Would you have kept the house and money?