If you find a ‘dead’ hedgehog during winter, do not bury it – here’s why

If you come across a seemingly lifeless hedgehog during the cold winter months, it’s crucial not to dismiss it as dead. In fact, it’s vital that you take certain steps to ensure its well-being!

Not What You Think

Obviously, the sight of a dead animal is never pleasant, but in the case of hedgehogs, it might not be what you think. Hedgehogs typically create burrows to hibernate safely from November to March, but with diminishing green spaces and wooded areas, finding a suitable spot becomes challenging.

A Quest for Safety

Some hedgehogs may venture into gardens in search of safety and warmth, while others, exhausted from the quest, might end up sleeping in unusual places like roadsides or pavements. During hibernation, hedgehogs experience a significant slowdown in heart rate and overall body functions, mimicking a state that might appear lifeless to an observer.

Saving Hedgehogs

If you encounter a seemingly motionless hedgehog, it’s essential to ensure it is in a safe and warm location where it can safely last the five-month hibernation period. Should you find a hedgehog in your garden or on the street, create a hole in a cardboard box and place it in a dry, safe, and quiet space.

Our Unsung Heroes

Hedgehogs, despite their unassuming appearance, really do play a crucial role in our ecosystem. They are an endangered species, entirely harmless, and contribute significantly to pest control by consuming beetles, snails, frogs, lizards, snakes, and even mice nests.

Interestingly, hedgehogs are immune to potent poisons, including bites from insects, a phenomenon that scientists are still working to understand. They fearlessly confront bees and wasps, capable of dismantling a hornet’s nest and consuming its inhabitants without succumbing to their stings!

Our Responsibility

Given the importance of hedgehogs in maintaining ecological balance, it is essential to show kindness and compassion when encountering them during the cold months. By providing a safe and warm haven for these fragile creatures, we not only contribute to their survival but also support the delicate balance of our ecosystem.

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