Did you hear about the flight attendant who gave a sassy reply to an arrogant passenger? This funny incident had everyone onboard laughing. Let me share the details with you.

Flight Attendant

It all happened during a flight when the flight attendant, who happened to be gay, brought a lively and cheery atmosphere to the cabin with his flamboyant behavior. He was serving food and drinks, putting everyone in a good mood.

As the plane was about to descend, the flight attendant made an announcement in his entertaining style. He said, “Captain Marvey has asked me to let you know that we will be landing shortly. So, lovely people, please put your trays up. That would be super!”

While making his way back up the aisle, he noticed a very well-dressed and exotic-looking young woman who had not raised her tray. The flight attendant approached her and said, “Maybe you didn’t hear me over the loud engines, but I did ask you to raise your tray. We need to prepare for landing.”

In a calm demeanor, the young woman turned her head and replied, “In my country, I am called a Princess, and I take orders from no one.”

Without missing a beat, the flight attendant responded with a sassy comeback, “Well, sweet-cheeks, in my country, I’m called a Queen, so I outrank you. Tray up, Bitch.”

The unexpected response left everyone surprised and amusement filled the cabin. This witty exchange shows that a good sense of humor can diffuse tension and bring laughter to even the most challenging situations.

Remember, it’s always great to share a good laugh with others, so go ahead and share this funny anecdote with your family and friends on Facebook. Laughter is contagious, after all!

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