Have you ever thought about the potential controversy and offense a baby’s name could evoke? Well, baby name expert Emma Waterhouse from Nameberry certainly has! In a recent TikTok video, Emma shared some eye-opening insights about baby names that experts advise avoiding. These names have raised eyebrows among parents for various reasons, from religious insensitivity to racial connotations and even associations with violence.

Emma, who is part of the renowned US-based website Nameberry, meticulously sifted through their vast database to uncover the most “polarizing” baby names. Out of countless options, six names made it into the limelight for all the wrong reasons.

So, let’s dive into the list and explore why these names have sparked controversy:


This name may have a contemporary allure with its fashionable ending, but it carries significant religious weight. Azriel is identified as the name of the Angel of Death in both Islam and Judaism. So, before embracing it for your child, it’s essential to consider the potential implications.


While Bodhi quickly gained popularity during the 2010s, it’s important to understand its roots. Bodhi is a term deeply rooted in Buddhist philosophy, symbolizing a state of enlightenment. However, it’s not traditionally used as a given name in Buddhist culture within the United States, raising concerns about cultural appropriation.


Cohen may sound stylish and unique, but it’s not without its share of controversy. In Judaism, Cohen is a surname associated with descendants of the priests who served in the Temple in Jerusalem. Using it as a given name has sparked criticism, particularly within Jewish communities.


Once a popular name in the 1930s, Dixie sadly became intertwined with racism. Its historical connection to the Confederate states carries heavy overtones of racism, making it unsuitable for modern times.


While Gunner has a traditional Norse origin when spelled with an ‘ar,’ its ‘er’ variant takes on a more aggressive and violent connotation. With the current issue of gun violence in the US, the timing of this name is unfortunate.


Karen, a name often associated with a specific generation, has recently gained negative connotations due to internet memes mocking entitled and demanding behavior. This stigma has made parents think twice before naming their child Karen.

These revelations from Emma’s TikTok video have ignited discussions across social media platforms. People expressed astonishment at some of these unexpected associations with names that they might have otherwise considered for their children.

It’s essential to remember that baby naming is a deeply personal endeavor. While certain names may carry associations or connotations, individual perspectives can vary widely. Ultimately, parents are encouraged to engage in thoughtful and respectful discussions when selecting a name for their child. They should consider the name’s historical, cultural, and linguistic significance, as well as how it may impact their child’s life.

Let’s make sure every child’s name is a source of pride, respect, and joy!