Imagine going out to do some shopping, and coming back to find your car covered in hundreds of bees. This bizarre incident happened to Carol Howarth from Haverfordwest, UK. As she returned to her parked car, she was greeted by a whole swarm of bees resting on the back of her vehicle.

The amazing scene caught the attention of local resident Tom Moses, who was both amazed and concerned for Carol’s safety. Worried that someone might do something foolish, like throwing boiled water at the bees, he quickly called beekeepers for help.

“I drove there and saw that many people who were taking pictures had already gathered. But I was a little worried,” said Tom Moses. “The car was right in front of a bar, and I was afraid that someone would do something stupid. Everything could end very badly.”

The beekeepers promptly arrived and managed to carefully collect all the bees and relocate them to a safe box.

However, Carol’s relief was short-lived as the very next day, she discovered that the bees had followed her home. Concerned once again, she immediately contacted the beekeepers for assistance. It turns out that the queen bee had been attracted to something sweet inside Carol’s car and had gotten stuck in the plastic. Over 2,000 bees had followed her and gathered on the car.

“We think the queen was attracted to something that was in the car, probably something sweet. Then she was caught somewhere in the plastic of the car. The swarm of over 2,000 bees followed her and gathered on the car,” explained Roger Burns, one of the beekeepers.

Fortunately, the beekeepers were successful in freeing the queen bee, who then returned safely to her colony. The beekeepers remarked that it is normal for bees to follow their queen, but it was quite unusual for them to follow a car for two consecutive days.

What a fascinating and unexpected adventure for Carol and her car! It just goes to show that even in the most ordinary of settings, nature can surprise us with its wonders.