Lucy had recently lost her husband, Ron, and moved in with her son and daughter-in-law. Unable to live on her own after the loss, she stayed with them in their house. Lucy’s son gladly accepted the rent money from her property as a token of appreciation. While her son, Connor, worked long hours as an IT technician, Lucy stayed at home with her daughter-in-law, Eve, who was a housewife.

Initially, everything was great. Eve was kind and attentive, but Lucy noticed that she was hesitant to accept any help. Despite Lucy’s offers, Eve insisted on doing all the household chores alone. Then, a few days before Christmas, Eve approached Lucy while she was watching television.

“Lucy,” Eve started, “I need you to do the laundry and go buy ingredients for tonight’s dinner and Christmas dinner. We’re expecting nine guests. I’ll give you the cash before you leave.”

Lucy was taken aback by Eve’s sudden commanding tone. She realized that she was being treated more like a maid than a guest. But before she confronted Eve, Lucy decided to teach her a lesson. With her experience in cooking and hosting large gatherings, Lucy knew exactly what to do.

As Christmas Eve approached, the house filled with the aroma of Lucy’s delicious home-cooked meals. Once the guests started arriving, they all sat down to eat. One of her son’s friends complimented Lucy’s cooking, asking if everything was made from scratch. Lucy proudly responded, “Yes, Ross, I made everything myself.”

Lucy could see the joy on her son’s face as he basked in the compliments his mother received. This was Lucy’s first Christmas without Ron, so although she felt happy, she couldn’t shake the feeling of missing him. But she had a plan in mind to teach Eve a lesson.

After supper, as Connor entertained the guests in the living room, Lucy and Eve cleared the table. Lucy noticed Eve’s envious gaze as she looked at her. Sensing that it was the right time, Eve approached Lucy to talk.

“Lucy, can we talk?” Eve asked. “Of course,” responded Lucy. “What’s on your mind, my dear?”

Eve apologized, realizing how much Lucy actually did around the house. She confessed that she had wanted to take it easy and had unknowingly added to Lucy’s responsibilities. Lucy smiled, seeing that Eve had learned her lesson.

“It’s more than fine, Eve,” Lucy explained. “I just want you to understand that, despite wanting to help out, I’m getting older and my knees aren’t what they used to be.”

From that moment on, Lucy and Eve found a balance in their household duties. Lucy appreciated Eve’s newfound understanding, and Eve learned to appreciate Lucy’s wisdom and experience.

As the holiday season continued, mother-in-law and daughter-in-law formed a closer bond. They celebrated Christmas together, cherishing the memories of their first lesson learned and the love they shared as a family.