Michael J. Fox makes heart-wrenching new statement after 30-year battle with Parkinson’s - Glorius Time

Michael J. Fox, the beloved actor known for his roles in movies like “Back to the Future,” has been facing the challenges of Parkinson’s disease for over 30 years. Despite the difficulties he has encountered, Fox maintains an unwavering spirit and determination in the face of extreme adversity.

Diagnosed with Parkinson’s in the early ’90s, Fox has since become a prominent advocate for raising awareness and supporting research for the disease. He has always been open about the toll it has taken on his health and well-being, never shying away from discussing the difficult aspects of his journey.

In a recent interview with CBS Sunday Morning, Fox candidly discussed the subject of his mortality, acknowledging that living with Parkinson’s has become increasingly tough. “Every day it’s tougher. But, but, that’s the way it is,” he shared with anchor Jane Pauley. Despite this, Fox remains resilient, seeking to make the most of every moment.

Adding to his challenges, Fox recently underwent spinal surgery to remove a benign tumor on his spine. The operation had an impact on his ability to walk, resulting in several injuries from falls. But Fox refuses to let these setbacks define him. As he reflected on his experience, he said, “You don’t die from Parkinson’s. You die with Parkinson’s. I’ve been thinking about the mortality of it…I’m not gonna be 80.”

As the release of his new documentary, “Still,” approaches, Fox continues to shed light on the fight against Parkinson’s. In the film, he shares, “I’m in intense pain. Each tremor is like a seismic jolt.” He further explains that it’s not just the movement itself that causes the pain, but the moments of freezing that amplify the discomfort.

Despite all the obstacles he faces, Fox’s positivity shines through. He remains determined and promises that he’s not going anywhere. “The depression is not so deep that I’m going to injure myself…there’s more to celebrate in my life than there is to mourn,” he asserts. Fox’s resilience and unwavering spirit serve as an inspiration to us all.

Let’s take a moment to appreciate Michael J. Fox’s bravery and strength in the face of immense difficulty. He truly is a celebrity to admire. Join us in wishing him well for the future and sharing this article to help spread awareness about Parkinson’s disease.

Watch the trailer for Fox’s documentary .