Black Canada Lynx

The Canada Lynx, also known as Lynx canadensis, is a North American species of lynx found in Canada and parts of the United States. While most Canada Lynx have a light brownish-gray fur coat, there have been rare sightings of individuals with black fur.

In an incredible discovery, a black-colored Canada Lynx was recently captured on camera for the first time. The footage was captured by Thomas Jung, a researcher at the University of Alberta, Canada, and employee of the Government of Yukon. The video quickly went viral, leaving people in awe of this unique creature.

The video of the lynx was recorded in a rural residential neighborhood near Whitehorse, the metropolis of Yukon. From a distance of about 50 meters, the lynx is seen relaxing while people and a dog are nearby. Eventually, the lynx flees when the dog starts barking.

Although experts could confirm the animal as a Canada Lynx, it was challenging to identify many specific traits due to the shaky video. Jung describes the lynx’s black coat with whitish gray guard hairs throughout, as well as whitish gray hairs in the facial ruff and other regions.

Most lynx species share similar coloring, with Canada Lynx being known for their silvery gray coats in winter and reddish-brown coats in summer. The black coat on this lynx is incredibly rare and adds to the already diverse range of coat colors seen in this species.

Jung explains that variations in coat colors like this can be either helpful (adaptive) or harmful (maladaptive) to evolution. However, in this case, he believes the black coat to be maladaptive because it lacks the essential camouflage needed for hunting in snowy environments. The lynx would likely stand out while hunting during winter due to its darker hair.

The discovery of this black Canada Lynx provides us with a glimpse into the incredible diversity of nature. It showcases the wonders of the animal kingdom and reminds us of the beauty and uniqueness that exists in the world around us.

Watch the video below to witness the extraordinary black Canada Lynx in action:

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