Wish list written by a foster child in Oklahoma

At Dreamcatchers for Abused Children, our mission is to support and uplift abused children through education and resources. Recently, we came across a touching wishlist written by a child from Oklahoma who had gone through unimaginable hardships. This brave young soul, who ended up in the foster system due to severe abuse, shared their hopes and dreams for a new and loving home.

The child’s story is one of neglect and suffering at the hands of alcoholic parents. Deprived of love and the simple joys of childhood, all they knew was hunger and negligence. It was only when a caring neighbor alerted social services that the child was rescued from their dire circumstances.

Upon arriving at our organization, we made it our mission to find this precious child a forever home, where they would receive the love and care they deserve. When the news of their perfect match was shared with them, the child compiled a wishlist, revealing their heartfelt desires for a better life.

This wishlist touched the hearts of many who read it, as it highlighted the basic needs that every child should have without question. People commented on the list, expressing their sadness that these were not automatic provisions for the child, but dreams to be fulfilled.

Here is the wishlist:

  • Food and water
  • Safety from harm
  • A home with running water and lights
  • Love and affection
  • A peaceful environment without parental conflict
  • Freedom from drugs
  • Protection for their beloved pets
  • Assistance with school
  • Clean and comfortable clothing
  • Freedom from lice and bugs
  • A clean and tidy home
  • A cozy bed with warm covers
  • Preservation of cherished toys
  • Fair treatment
  • An alcohol-free environment
  • Access to entertainment like a television
  • Possession of personal school supplies
  • Stylish and comfortable shoes
  • Basic toiletries like a comb, soap, and toothbrush
  • A secure and warm house with adequate heating

This wishlist serves as a powerful reminder to never take the simple pleasures of life for granted. It compels us to reflect on the importance of providing these essentials and more to all children. Let us be grateful for what we have and extend compassion to those who need it most.

Please join us in spreading awareness by SHARING this heartwarming story with your family and friends on Facebook. Together, we can make a difference in the lives of abused children.