Rick Harrison, star of the popular reality TV show “Pawn Stars,” is facing a lawsuit filed by his mother, Joanne Harrison. The lawsuit revolves around a dispute over the family’s assets and the ownership of the Las Vegas pawn shop that is featured on the show.

According to court documents, Joanne Harrison has filed a civil action in a Nevada state court, naming Rick Harrison, the Gold & Silver Pawn Shop, Harrison Homes, and JoRich Properties as defendants. The lawsuit alleges that Rick coerced his mother into transferring her 51% ownership interest in the pawn shop to him while she was in the hospital around the year 2000 or 2001.

Joanne Harrison, who was married to the late Richard Harrison, also known as “The Old Man” on the show, for 58 years, claims that she purchased Richard Harrison’s 49% stake in the pawn shop after his death in 2018. However, Rick Harrison has allegedly failed to provide her with complete financial documentation of the business’s transactions.

In addition, Joanne Harrison asserts that she has been unable to obtain an accurate accounting of over $500,000 in cash and silver that she believes her late husband accumulated.

The lawsuit seeks specific damages, a detailed inventory of assets, a court order prohibiting Rick Harrison from using Joanne Harrison’s money, and the establishment of a “constructive trust” for Joanne Harrison’s owned property.

Rick Harrison has vehemently denied the allegations, calling the charges baseless and claiming that people are taking advantage of his 81-year-old mother for their own gain.

This legal battle within the Harrison family adds a new layer of drama to the already exciting world of “Pawn Stars.” Stay tuned for updates as the lawsuit unfolds.