When two people say their wedding vows, they promise to love each other in sickness and in health. Little do they know that life can sometimes test their commitment to the core. Bruna and her husband David are one such couple who have faced unimaginable challenges, inspiring admiration from everyone who hears their story.

Their tale has touched hearts all around the world, as David selflessly cares for his wife, who has been in a vegetative state for several years. Despite being in their twenties when tragedy struck, David remains optimistic and has sacrificed everything for the woman he adores. However, due to frequent absences, he lost his job and financial stability, leaving him desperate for funds. To raise money for Bruna’s recovery, David has created an Instagram page and hopes for donations.

The year was 2019 when David César and Bruna de Sousa were watching TV on an ordinary day. Suddenly, Bruna experienced convulsions, leading to cardiac arrest. David recollects, “In a matter of three minutes, she lost all vital signs. We rushed to the hospital, and after 25 minutes, they managed to resuscitate her, but she had been without oxygen for a long time.”

According to David, Bruna suffers from a disorder that impairs her ability to perceive her surroundings while leaving the basic functions of her nervous system intact. This has resulted in a permanent vegetative state for his beloved wife.

For almost two years, Bruna was hospitalized, and since June 2019, David has devoted every moment to caring for her at their own home. However, being unemployed, he struggled to meet all of her needs. Even though Bruna is at home, she still requires the assistance of specialists, medications, food, and other essentials.

The truth is, David’s income as a driver was insufficient to cover the mounting expenses. This forced him to seek help and rely on donations. While many kind-hearted individuals have shown compassion, the costs associated with Bruna’s care continue to rise. David himself admitted, “We haven’t managed to secure her retirement yet. But two volunteer lawyers are assisting us. We are reliant on donations.”

Thankfully, amidst all the hardships, a glimmer of hope appeared. David learned about a treatment available in Canada through neurologists. If they could access it, Bruna would need to undergo three years of medication and physiotherapy. However, the price tag for this option amounted to around $20,000, leading the couple to rely on donations once again.

Driven by determination, David managed to raise $28,000, but Bruna’s monthly expenses remain high, and even more funds are required. We can only hope that these generous contributions will lead to an improvement in Bruna’s condition.

Over five years have passed since Bruna and David’s lives took an unexpected turn. Through his Instagram profile, David shares heartwarming memories of their relationship and diligently updates his followers about Bruna’s progress. Their tale has become a beacon of inspiration, garnering support and messages of recovery for Bruna, and strength and patience for David. This unwavering devotion is a testament to true, pure love that touches the hearts of all who encounter it. As one supporter expressed, “I believe in this love, and it brought me to tears while also motivating me.”