Alyssa Milano, the popular actress, found herself at the center of controversy after attending this year’s Super Bowl with her 12-year-old son. This comes less than a month after she asked people for donations to support her son’s baseball team. The internet was quick to react, leaving many people furious.

While the Super Bowl is undoubtedly one of the biggest events in the NFL calendar, some netizens felt that it was inappropriate for Milano to attend the game when she had recently asked for financial support. They pointed out that she had the means to purchase tickets, raising questions about her request for donations to fund her son’s baseball team’s trip to Cooperstown, New York.

Milano faced heavy criticism in late January when she shared a GoFundMe page, seeking $10,000 to cover the team’s expenses. Given her reported net worth of $10 million and her husband being a CAA agent, many felt that it was unnecessary for her to ask for donations. Some users expressed their disappointment, stating that they remember a time when fundraising meant earning money through car washes, bake sales, and other similar activities.

The backlash continued when Milano’s Super Bowl attendance became public. People started questioning whether she created the GoFundMe campaign to finance her own Super Bowl experience. Instagram users flooded her son’s page with hurtful comments, prompting Milano to release a statement defending her actions.

In her statement, Milano clarified that she is no different from any other parent who raises money for their child’s sports teams, often using platforms like GoFundMe. She explained that while she would love to cover all expenses for the team and their families, it’s simply not feasible for her at the moment. Additionally, she emphasized the importance of respecting her son’s Instagram page and leaving the children out of the controversy.

Despite Milano’s explanation, the debate surrounding her actions and the fundraiser for her son’s baseball team rages on. Some question her priorities and whether she should have spent the money on supporting the team instead. Others support her right to seek assistance and suggest that those who disagree simply refrain from donating.

What are your thoughts on Alyssa Milano’s situation? Let us know in the comments.