People laugh and criticize mom after she reveals how she makes 7-year-old clean and teaches him how to cook - Glorius Time

As parents, we all have different ideas when it comes to raising our children and the lessons we want to teach them. Some prefer a more disciplined approach, while others believe in letting their kids learn through trial and error. There’s no right or wrong way, but it’s unfortunate that people tend to criticize and comment on every parental decision they disagree with.

I remember growing up, doing chores was just a part of everyday life in my family. It wasn’t just my mother working around the house, my siblings and I also contributed. We did dishes, made beds, and helped with meal preparation. It was a way to instill values and a strong work ethic in us.

Times have changed, but I still believe that involving children in household tasks, as long as it’s safe, is a great way to teach them responsibility. Unfortunately, not everyone shares this view. Several years ago, a 22-year-old mother named Nikkole Paulun faced criticism after sharing photos of her 7-year-old son, Lyle, doing chores and helping with cooking and cleaning.

While her approach seemed reasonable to many, others attacked her online, expressing concerns about the potential impact on the child’s emotional well-being. Critics argued that she shouldn’t have shared her son’s chores online, and that it might make him uncomfortable to have his daily activities exposed to strangers.

Some comments accused Nikkole of making her child her slave or pressuring him into doing chores she didn’t want to do. Others questioned whether she could do everything she was teaching her son, or if she was just putting pressure on him. There were also concerns about Lyle operating a stove at such a young age.

However, amidst the criticism, there were also many supporters who defended Nikkole. Her post gained viral attention, receiving over 8,000 comments and 156,000 interactions on Facebook. Nikkole herself clarified that she enjoys doing housework and that her son simply helps along the way and earns an allowance for his efforts.

She also mentioned that her younger daughter, Ellie, would follow in her brother’s footsteps and learn these skills when she’s older. It’s clear that Nikkole aims to raise responsible children who can contribute to the household.

What’s your take on Nikkole’s parenting approach and the criticism she received? We’d love to hear your thoughts in the comments.