A woman recently experienced a shocking and unsettling online dating encounter. After a promising and exciting first date, she received a text message the following day that left her in disbelief.

The woman shared her story on the Facebook community page, Bad Dates Of Melbourne. She started by expressing her anticipation and excitement upon matching with an apparently perfect suitor. The date began well, with the man greeting her with a kiss and complimenting her appearance. They had great conversation throughout the night, leading to him inviting her back to his place for “coffee.”

Although tempted, the woman decided against going to his place. Surprisingly, the man seemed fine with her decision. However, the next day, she received a text message that shattered her self-esteem. The message criticized her physical appearance, calling her “physically way bigger than any girl I would let myself date.” The man even suggested that she needed to work out 5-6 times a week with a personal trainer and follow a strict diet to redeem herself. He also expressed disappointment in her for turning down his coffee offer, stating that a single woman in her late 20s should have different views on sexuality.

This cruel message left the woman shocked and hurt. She knew that she would never be seen with him in public again. Despite this negative experience, she continued dating, hoping to avoid more hurtful messages. People who read her story were appalled by the man’s offensive demands, which he disguised as suggestions for self-improvement. Commenters on Facebook expressed their shock and disbelief at his behavior, questioning how he could think it was acceptable.

Some even empathized with the woman, understanding the blows her self-esteem took from reading such hurtful words. However, they applauded her for not agreeing to a second date with him. They believed she had done herself a favor by avoiding a potentially emotionally abusive relationship with someone who would go to great lengths to boost his ego.

This story serves as a reminder that despite the excitement of online dating, it’s important to be cautious and aware of red flags. One should never tolerate disrespectful behavior or compromise their self-worth for someone else.