Modern life can be overwhelming. With so many responsibilities and new challenges, it’s easy to feel burdened. But today, we have an important message for your safety. Ignoring it could have serious consequences. So pay attention and take action if you ever spot a plastic bottle stuck between your tire and the frame of your car. And if you do come across it, immediately call 911.

There is a new technique that car thieves are using, and it’s alarmingly effective. They have discovered a clever and low-cost way to steal your vehicle. If you see a water bottle placed on your tire, know that a potential thief is nearby, watching you and targeting your car. This trick was first reported in Limpopo, South Africa, but it has quickly spread to the United States and other parts of the world.

Here’s how the trick works: when a carjacker spots a car they want to steal, they place a water bottle against the wheel as a “marker.” The bottle is strategically positioned on the front passenger side tire, so the driver doesn’t notice it when entering the vehicle.

As soon as the driver starts moving, the empty plastic bottle creates loud crackling sounds, causing concern and confusion. The natural instinct for most drivers is to stop the car and investigate. This is when the carjacker strikes!

If the driver has left the keys inside the car with the engine running, it’s a perfect opportunity for the thief to simply get in and drive away. Leaving the owner stranded, feeling foolish. Alternatively, the thief may take advantage of the situation to steal items like wallets or cellphones left behind. The driver puts themselves at risk the moment they step out of the car to inspect the noise.

Next time you enter your car, take a few moments to check your wheels. Look for anything out of the ordinary. If you find a water bottle wedged between the tire and the frame, remain vigilant. The potential thief may be observing you. Quietly use your phone to call 911 and inform the police about the situation. Provide them with your precise location and a description of your vehicle.

Stay safe and stay alert!