As Nola Swart leaned over her husband’s lifeless body to give him one last goodbye kiss, she was met with a remarkable surprise – he blinked.

Nola’s world was shattered when she received a phone call informing her that her husband, Fred, had passed away while on a fishing trip. In disbelief, she screamed for it to be a bad joke, but deep down she knew it was true. With a heavy heart, she made the journey to the coroner’s office to see Fred one last time.

With her best friend James by her side, Nola stood in shock as the white sheet covering Fred was pulled back. Tears streamed down her face as she realized her beloved husband was gone. The coroner explained that Fred had suffered a massive heart attack, but Nola refused an autopsy, honoring Fred’s wish to be cremated.

At the funeral, friends and family gathered to pay their respects. Nola made sure the casket was open so everyone could have their final goodbye. As each person whispered their farewells, the priest reminded them of Fred’s journey to a better place. Although Nola was filled with anger towards God for taking Fred away, she couldn’t deny the support and comfort of those around her.

In a moment of desperation, Nola leaned over the casket to caress Fred’s face and give him a final kiss. To her astonishment, she saw Fred blink. Disbelieving her own eyes, she screamed for help. The funeral director initially brushed it off as grief-induced hallucination, but upon closer inspection, he saw Fred’s eyes open and close again.

Rapidly, Fred was rushed to the hospital, where doctors determined that he had experienced a severe allergic reaction to a bee sting, resulting in a deep coma that mimicked death. Had it not been for Nola’s refusal of an autopsy and embalming, Fred would not have survived.

Fred recovered from his harrowing ordeal, bringing a renewed sense of gratitude and love to their family. Nola never forgot the anguish of seeing her husband in a coffin, but she viewed his survival as a miraculous second chance, reminding her to cherish the love they had in the present moment.

Lessons to be Learned

In the face of life’s uncertainties, it is our faith that sustains us. Nola’s experience reminds us to hold onto our faith even in the darkest times. It is during these moments that miracles can happen.

Second chances are rare and precious. Nola’s story serves as a powerful reminder to treasure the love we have right now. Let us not take our relationships for granted and embrace each day with gratitude and affection, for we never know what the future holds.