My children have never known what I do for a living. I never wanted them to judge me in front of others. - NEWS20CLICK

A Decision Made with Love

As a parent, I always wanted the best for my children. I didn’t want them to be embarrassed or feel ashamed because of my job. That’s why I made the difficult decision to keep my employment a secret from them.

Protecting Their Innocence

Although my youngest daughter was naturally curious about what I did all day, I chose to deflect her questions with vague answers. I would simply say, “I work” and quickly change the subject. I wanted to shield them from any potential judgment or criticism that could arise from my line of work.

Going the Extra Mile

To ensure that there was no suspicion or questions from my girls, I developed a routine. Before heading home from work, I would shower in public facilities. This way, I could arrive home clean and without any prying inquiries. It was a small sacrifice to keep them unaware of my true profession.

Focusing on Their Future

Above all, I wanted my children to focus on their studies and their own aspirations. I didn’t want them to be burdened by worries about me and the potential impact my career might have on their reputation. I wanted them to have the chance to be respected and valued by their peers for who they are, not who their father worked as.

Guilt and Sacrifice

I’ve always felt a sense of guilt and embarrassment when comparing my own achievements to others. To make up for it, I made a promise to myself that any money I had would go towards my children’s education. Instead of buying new clothes, I invested in books to help broaden their knowledge and understanding. All I asked for in return was their respect as their father.

A Crushing Blow

However, there came a time when my financial struggles became overwhelming. I worked as a cleaner, but the day before my daughter’s college application deadline, I ran out of money. The weight of not being able to provide for her crushed me. It seemed like nothing good or extraordinary could ever happen to us.

Unexpected Generosity

But in the midst of my despair, something amazing happened. My coworkers, seeing my distress, came together and offered me their entire day’s pay. They wanted my children to have more opportunities than we ever did. It was a gesture that left me speechless and grateful.

A Gesture of Love

Now, one of my children has already graduated and won’t allow me to return to work due to my age. My eldest daughter is working hard, and my other two daughters are paying off their college fees. But I still want to do what I can to contribute. Every morning, my daughter drives me to work, and she brings food for all of us during the day. It’s a beautiful gesture from an already outstanding family.

Forever Grateful

When others ask her why she does it, she humbly explains that she’s grateful for the sacrifices they made to support her education. As she speaks of her children, she glows with pride. And in that moment, I realize that I can never truly consider myself a poor man because of their existence.

It may have taken secrecy, sacrifice, and unexpected kindness, but I wouldn’t trade being their father for anything in the world. My children are my greatest treasure, and their future is brighter because of the love and support we share.