Can you imagine finding food leftovers at your front door? That’s exactly what happened to Maria Celino-Straker from Manchester, United Kingdom. At first, she thought it was just a prank, maybe some neighborhood kids having a laugh. But when a police officer explained the true meaning behind this unsettling discovery, she was in for a shock.

Cleaning up the mess left on her doorstep, Maria couldn’t shake off the feeling that there was more to it. So, she decided to share her experience with a relative, who also happened to be a former police officer. What she learned next was far from amusing.

According to the former officer, food scraps or other items left at a house’s entry can be a clear sign that a thief is targeting the property. The perpetrator uses this tactic to determine if the debris is cleared away or if the owners have left. If the items are left untouched, it gives the burglar the green light to break in, knowing that nobody is home.

Shaken by this revelation, Maria felt compelled to spread the word and warn others about this potential threat. She took to Facebook to share what happened to her and the valuable information she learned from the police.

So, the next time you find any unexpected items left at your front door, don’t dismiss them as harmless pranks. Be cautious and take the necessary steps to protect your home and belongings. Remember, it’s always better to be safe than sorry.