A young woman faced a difficult situation when her adult nephew, whom she had raised as her own, refused to pay his share of rent. This decision led to a rift in their family and left her feeling torn.

The woman, who is now 25 years old, reached out to the Reddit community for advice. She explained that she had taken care of her nephew, who is five years younger, throughout their childhood and teenage years. Despite the age difference, she had always considered him family and even allowed him to live with her.

However, there were issues that arose during their time living together. Her nephew would often take her things without permission and not return them in good condition. Despite his actions, he would often avoid getting into trouble, leaving her to face the blame. She felt compelled to let him do as he pleased due to the difficult childhood he had endured. But it was a challenge for her since she had taken on the responsibility of raising him as a teenager.

The woman recalled times when she had to clean and cook for her nephew, which had upset her. But as they grew older, she managed to secure her own apartment. Recognizing her need for financial assistance, her nephew offered to live with her and share the rent. Given that his college was close by and his previous residence was far away, it seemed like a convenient arrangement.

Initially, her nephew was paying his share of the rent. However, over time, he started to neglect his financial obligations. When confronted about it, he had a shocking response. He told her that, as his aunt and being older, she should be responsible for everything. This left her feeling frustrated and betrayed, as she knew she had not raised him to be this way.

The situation escalated when she discovered that he had been stealing money from her room. She realized that she couldn’t support both of them financially, especially when he was not contributing. Frustrated and at a loss, she reached out to her nephew’s mother and her own family for support. Unfortunately, their response was not what she expected. They insisted that she should continue to support her nephew financially because she is his aunt. But she couldn’t understand why they expected her to provide for him, especially when he had taken advantage of her.

With no other options, she finally gave him an ultimatum: get a job or find another place to live. In response, he threatened to kick her out of her own apartment. At that moment, she made a difficult decision. She threw his belongings out and told him never to return.

The aftermath of her actions left their family divided. While some relatives were angry at her, others understood her frustration. She questioned whether she was wrong for her actions but received support from the Reddit community.

In a later update, the woman thanked the Reddit users for their honest opinions. She admitted that letting her nephew move in with her was not a good idea and expressed her disappointment in him. She hoped that he would learn from this experience and understand that she would not always be there to rescue him. She even considered making a police report against him.

The Reddit community overwhelmingly supported her decision and highlighted the importance of teaching her nephew that actions have consequences. They advised her not to give in to pressure from her family and to protect herself by changing the locks to her apartment.

In the end, she was absolved of guilt by the readers who believed that her other family members were taking advantage of her kindness. They encouraged her to stand her ground and refuse to give in to their demands.