A Reddit user sought advice after discovering her sister’s disturbing intentions to foster a teenager. The 28-year-old woman was horrified when her sister, Jane, revealed her plan. Jane’s motivation for fostering a teenager was quite unusual – she wanted a “live-in” babysitter for her own children.

After enduring two miserable years living with her sister, the Reddit user decided to move out and cut ties. However, she still felt a sense of compassion when her sister complained about not having anyone to help with the kids. Reluctantly, she agreed to occasionally babysit her niece and nephew.

During one of their conversations, Jane mentioned her desire to foster a teenager. The Reddit user questioned her sister’s preference for a teenager over a younger child. To her shock, Jane revealed that she saw this as an opportunity to have free babysitting, house chores, and assistance with her baking business.

Jane believed that foster children would be grateful for a home and wouldn’t complain about the conditions. She even mentioned wanting to replace them with a new foster child once they turned 18. Despite her sister’s objections, Jane proceeded with her plan and contacted foster organizations.

Fortunately, the Reddit user’s name was mentioned as a character witness on Jane’s application. When contacted by a social worker, the Reddit user seized the opportunity to express her concerns. She shared Jane’s true intentions and the mistreatment she experienced while living with her.

As a result, the organization rejected Jane’s application, deeming her unfit to foster a child. When Jane confronted the Reddit user about her involvement, their relationship quickly deteriorated. Jane became hostile and turned other family members against her.

Feeling conflicted about her actions, the Reddit user turned to the online community for validation. The majority of commenters agreed that she did the right thing by preventing a child from being exploited and mistreated. They emphasized the importance of treating foster children with care and respect, not as slaves.

In the end, the Reddit user’s courageous act protected a vulnerable teenager from a potential harmful situation. It serves as a reminder to approach foster care with empathy and the genuine intention to provide a loving and supportive environment for children in need.