Jenna, a hardworking single mom and nurse, was consumed by guilt over not being able to spend enough time with her son, Devon. Wanting him to find a hobby, she encouraged him to take up art classes. Little did she know, Devon had a secret that left her stunned.

As a single mother and a night shift nurse, life had its challenges for me. But my sixteen-year-old son, Devon, has always been the light of my life. It’s been just the two of us since he was born. However, with my changing work shifts, I couldn’t be as hands-on as I had hoped. I wanted Devon to fill his free time with a hobby until he found something he loved.

One rare night we got to have dinner together, Devon shared some surprising news. “Mom,” he said with a smile, “I think I’m going to take up art classes.”

Relieved that he took my advice, I replied, “That’s great! Where are the classes held?”

“They’re held at school,” he replied. “I’ll be attending every second day after school. Don’t worry, the school will provide most of the art supplies.”

Seeing the hope in his eyes, I assured him, “I’m off this weekend. We can go and get everything you need.”

But little did I know, there was a secret Devon was keeping from me. A few weeks later, when I managed to get a day off, I decided to surprise Devon by picking him up after his art class. I texted him, hoping to catch a glimpse of his artwork while enjoying some ice cream together. But there was no response.

Growing concerned, I went inside the school and spoke to Mrs. Cooper, Devon’s art teacher. To my surprise, she had no idea about Devon’s art classes. Confused and desperate for answers, I asked if she knew where he could be.

Mrs. Cooper hesitated, then told me that Devon would typically leave with a man after school, claiming he was his uncle. But Devon didn’t have an uncle in town. She remembered him mentioning his uncle working at a nearby butcher shop.

With panic rising, I rushed to the busiest part of town, where the butcher shop was located. There, I discovered the truth. Devon wasn’t attending art classes at all; he had been secretly working at the butcher shop, trying to ease the burden on my shoulders.

Tears welled up in my eyes as I realized the depth of his love and sacrifice. Devon had been paying attention to my absence and wanted to relieve some of the strain I was feeling. Despite his young age, he had taken on responsibilities and acted selflessly.

Devon approached me, holding a broom, and said, “Mom, I just wanted to help. I saw how tired you’ve been, and sometimes you forget to get milk and bread, even cereal.”

Overwhelmed with emotions, I hugged him tight and whispered, “You didn’t have to do this. You shouldn’t have to do this.”

“But I wanted to,” he insisted. “I wanted to help and work, so you wouldn’t have to take so many double shifts at the hospital.”

In that moment, my heart swelled with pride and anguish. My son had grown into an incredible young man, mature beyond his years. Despite my absence, he had become everything I had hoped for.

I let Devon finish his shift while I went grocery shopping. Then, we finally had our ice cream date, where we talked about his job and his decision to continue working.

“You don’t have to keep doing this, Devon,” I told him. “I promise, I’ll figure out my shifts.”

But with determination, he replied, “I want to. It’s only three hours after school and until noon on Saturdays. It will help me save for myself too.”

At first, I thought about being strict with him and making him give up the job, allowing him to focus on being a kid. But then I realized that he had already grown up, matured, and made responsible decisions. I needed to have faith in him as he had faith in himself.

Devon’s surprise revealed how deeply he cared for me, and it reminded me of the incredible things children can do for their parents.