
After enjoying a hearty breakfast, the wife curiously notices that her husband is not dressed for church. She can’t help but ask him, “Why aren’t you dressed for church?”

Her husband responds with a simple explanation, “Well, I’m just not going.”

This piques the wife’s curiosity even more, and she asks, “Why not?”

With a slight grin, the husband replies, “Let me give you three pretty good reasons why I’m not going. First of all, the church is always cold in the morning. It’s just so chilly! Second, I have this feeling that no one there really likes me. It seems like everyone is constantly talking about me behind my back. And third, and this is the most important reason of all, I just don’t feel like going!”

The wife, now determined to convince her husband to go to church, confidently says, “Well, I’ll give you three pretty good reasons why you ARE going. First of all, the church is not cold in the morning; it’s actually warm and inviting. Second, I truly believe that there are some people there who genuinely like you. And third, let’s not forget that YOU are the minister! So, come on, get dressed and let’s go!”

Sometimes, all it takes is a gentle nudge and a friendly reminder to encourage someone to do the right thing. The wife’s reasoning and persuasion ultimately prevails, reminding us that even when we don’t feel like it, fulfilling our responsibilities can bring us fulfillment and joy.