Detective Scott had no idea what he was about to uncover when he attended his friend Charles’s funeral. Little did he know that the funeral would be the setting for a shocking revelation.

As the funeral proceeded, a recording emerged from the coffin. It was Charles’s voice, and he made a startling claim. He believed that one of his heirs was plotting to murder him for financial gain. And he had one final request for Detective Scott – find the killer before the will is read, and he would be rewarded handsomely.

Intrigued by Charles’s suspicion and the promise of a reward, Scott begins his investigation. His first clue comes when he discovers Sarin, a deadly poison, in Carl’s car. This raises eyebrows, but Scott is cautious. Something about the case doesn’t sit right with him, and he decides to keep the Sarin details to himself.

Undeterred, Scott dives deeper into the case. He thoroughly examines the evidence and takes Lydia, Charles’s daughter, in for questioning. And that’s when he uncovers a hidden agenda. Lydia knew about the Sarin all along. She had even misled the police and had spare keys to Carl’s car. It becomes clear that she manipulated events to frame her own brother for their father’s murder.

With Lydia exposed as the true killer, justice is served. She is arrested, and her inheritance is rightfully forfeited. The inheritance now passes to Travis and Carl, and Detective Scott is rewarded for his diligent work in solving the case.

However, the unraveling of the truth comes with a heavy price. The family is torn apart by greed and betrayal. The bonds that once held them together are forever shattered.

This condensed version of the story places emphasis on the thrilling investigation, the discovery of the real killer, and the consequences of greed. It maintains the key elements of the original story while presenting it in a more concise and engaging manner.