A woman | Source: Getty Images


Divorce can be a painful experience, especially when children are involved. In this heart-wrenching story, a woman faced the unimaginable when her teen daughter chose her cheating father over her. Years later, when financial hardships struck, the daughter reached out to her estranged mother, seeking help.

A woman giving a girl money. | Source: Shutterstock

The Illusion of Happiness

The woman, aged 45, had married a wealthy man who seemed to bring prosperity and comfort to her life. Her husband went above and beyond by showering her parents with luxurious gifts and even resolved her family’s financial troubles. Naturally, she felt lucky to have found someone so generous.

A Betrayal Unforgotten

Unfortunately, her happiness shattered when her husband cheated on her for the first time shortly after the birth of their child, Kelly. Feeling vulnerable, she wanted to leave him, but her family convinced her to forgive him for the sake of their child’s stability. Overwhelmed, she agreed and tried her best to keep the family together.

Breaking Point

As Kelly grew older, her father cheated on her mother again when she turned 12. Determined to move on, the woman filed for divorce, despite facing opposition from her in-laws and her own parents. Legal battles ensued, resulting in the loss of custody for the woman. However, she received alimony and a favorable settlement.

Estranged and Misunderstood

Though the woman made efforts to stay in touch with her daughter, she was portrayed negatively by her in-laws and parents. Kelly was fed a narrative that painted her mother as a bad person, making her believe that refusing to see her was the right choice. As a result, the mother-daughter bond was shattered.

A Desperate Reconnection

Years passed, and Kelly found herself in dire financial straits. With no money to pay for college, she reluctantly reached out to her mother for help. Though hurt by her daughter’s motives, the woman agreed to support Kelly financially, but under one condition – she would no longer be the sole heir to her mother’s estate.

Choosing a New Family

Instead, the woman wanted to leave the majority of her estate to her goddaughter, Laura, who had been like a daughter to her over the years. This decision, although difficult, was made to ensure that the rekindled relationship with her daughter wouldn’t be overshadowed by financial expectations.

Redditors Weigh In

Reactions to this story have been mixed. Some feel that the mother was justified in leaving her assets to her goddaughter, while others argue that it should have been her daughter’s rightful inheritance. A similar story shared by another woman who left her poor farmer husband and their son for a wealthy man sheds light on the complexity of the situation.

In the end, what matters most is the journey towards forgiveness and understanding. Perhaps, with time, this mother and daughter can mend their broken relationship and find solace in one another again.