A TikToker by the username @surya_garg recently had a flight experience that left her questioning her actions. She took to TikTok to share her story and seek advice from her followers. Let’s dive into what happened:

@surya_garg had just stepped off the plane and couldn’t wait to share her encounter with what she described as the “worst” person she had ever encountered. The topic of debate among TikTokers was about traveling etiquette, particularly when it comes to giving up seat arrangements on a plane. For Surya, her rule of thumb is to give up her seat for parents traveling with small children. She believes in this gesture because people have done the same for her and her brother in the past.

Now, Surya did mention that giving up a window seat takes a bit more convincing, as they tend to be more expensive than other seats. In this particular situation, Surya had a window seat and was approached by a mother who wanted to be closer to her son. However, when Surya saw the son, she noticed he was a tall teenager, at least 16 or 17 years old. Throughout the boarding process, he seemed disinterested in everything as he was constantly on the phone with his girlfriend.

Naturally, Surya found it difficult to give up her window seat for someone she believed was old enough to sit alone. After all, she had paid extra for that seat. Sensibly, she engaged in a conversation with the mother and asked which seat she would be moved to. The mother pointed at a middle seat a couple of rows back. Considering all these factors, Surya decided to keep the seat she paid for.

The mother reacted with extreme anger, giving Surya crippling stares and mumbling insults throughout the flight. Surya couldn’t help but question if she was wrong for refusing to give up her seat. She turned to her TikTok followers at the end of the video, asking for their perspective.

The comment section was filled with support for Surya. Many agreed that the mother’s reaction was already a good enough indication that Surya made the right choice. One user even mentioned how people often rely on the kindness of others to avoid paying extra for their own seat. Another mother chimed in, agreeing that it was Surya’s right to hold onto her seat. She explained that even though she had two daughters, aged 11 and 14, she would always pay extra for them to sit beside her because she believed it was her responsibility.

Overall, Surya received an outpouring of support and reassurance that she had not made a mistake. People recognized that moving from your seat should not always mean sacrificing it for a worse one. In this situation, Surya’s decision was justified, and she showed empathy towards parents traveling with young children while also considering the circumstances at hand.

In conclusion, the TikToker @surya_garg made a reasonable choice in deciding not to give up her window seat on the flight. She had paid extra for that seat and had valid reasons to believe the teenager could sit alone. The support she received from fellow TikTokers further confirmed her decision. So next time you find yourself in a similar situation, remember that it’s okay to consider the circumstances and prioritize your own comfort.