In August 2022, a frustrated woman turned to the helpful community at “AITA” (Am I the Asshole) on Reddit for advice. She shared her ongoing struggle with her sister-in-law, Amy, who had a habit of conveniently forgetting her wallet whenever they went out to eat. This had left the woman covering Amy’s expensive restaurant bills time and time again.

Feeling at a loss, the woman came up with a clever plan inspired by the TV show “Two and a Half Men.” She noticed that Amy consistently forgot her wallet, so during a dinner at a fancy restaurant, she decided to take a stand. She discreetly pocketed Amy’s wallet, only revealing it later when separate bills were requested. This action caused Amy to become angry, claiming that her personal boundaries had been breached.

This Reddit post gained a lot of attention, with numerous comments and awards pouring in. Amy, upset by the online discussion, reached out to the woman. However, the woman remained firm in her decision, hoping that the community’s response would serve as a wake-up call for her sister-in-law.

This ongoing tale brings up the issues of financial etiquette and family dynamics, leading the AITA community to debate whether or not the woman’s wallet maneuver was justified or if it crossed ethical boundaries.