
Greg and Natalie, two divorced parents living in different states, were doing their best to co-parent their three-year-old son, Oliver. However, their relationship took a shocking turn when Natalie called Greg with devastating news – Oliver had passed away and had already been buried. Greg was devastated and was desperate to attend his son’s funeral, but Natalie insisted that he stay away.

Confused and heartbroken, Greg decided to fly to Natalie’s city to find out the truth. However, when he arrived, he was met by Natalie’s husband, Mike, who revealed the shocking truth – Oliver was alive and well. It turned out that Natalie had made up the entire story to manipulate Greg into leaving her life.

Angry and hurt, Greg confronted Natalie about her deceit. He emphasized that he would never have taken Oliver away from her and was shocked by her extreme lie. Natalie tearfully admitted that she was afraid of losing Oliver and was concerned about Greg’s reaction to her pregnancy with another child.

Despite the pain and betrayal, Greg reassured Natalie that he had no intention of taking Oliver away from her. However, he insisted on counseling to address the underlying issues from their divorce and rebuild trust between them. Natalie agreed, realizing that their co-parenting relationship needed to be stronger for the sake of their son.

In the midst of the turmoil, Mike stood by Greg’s side, offering his honesty and support. This unexpected show of unity made Greg reconsider taking legal action against Natalie. Instead, he decided to focus on finding employment closer to Oliver, so he could be a more present father in his son’s life.

The story sheds light on the consequences of an extreme lie and the complexities of co-parenting after divorce. It serves as a reminder that open communication, trust, and counseling can help repair even the most fractured relationships for the sake of the children involved.