My Rich Mom Who Abandoned Me Shows Up 10 Years Later Demanding Money - NEWS20CLICK

At the age of 20, Redditor just_a_farmer_ had to confront his wealthy mother, who had abandoned him and his siblings a decade ago, asking for money. Little did she know that he would respond with a smile and more than she bargained for.

The Painful Past

The young farmer had vivid memories of his parents’ divorce, which happened when he was just a child. His mother dropped a bombshell on the family, revealing that his two younger siblings were not his father’s biological kids after his dad discovered her infidelity. His mother left, seeking a lavish life with a new man, while his father fought to keep the family together on his grandfather’s farm.

The Unexpected Encounter

One morning, while feeding the cattle on the farm, the young man’s father rushed in and informed him that someone was waiting to see him. He immediately went to meet the visitor and was surprised to find his mother sitting in a brand-new Porsche. But she didn’t greet him kindly; instead, she criticized his appearance and called him an embarrassment.

The Demand for Inheritance

His mother had come to request his inheritance from his late grandfather’s will. She argued that since his younger siblings were not included in the will, he should give them his share. However, the young farmer didn’t agree with her reasoning. He believed that if his sister wanted money for college, it should be the responsibility of his mother and her wealthy second husband to provide for her.

A Brilliant Retaliation

In response to his mother’s demand, the young man devised a plan. He pretended to apologize and agreed to give her the money she asked for. He went to his truck and returned with his checkbook. With a smile on his face, he dropped a handful of pennies into his mother’s hands. Confused, she asked what it was. He replied, “This is the ‘little bit’ you requested.”

Karma Strikes Back

His mother became infuriated and threw the pennies back at him, screaming. Little did she know that her actions would lead to even more consequences. Her new husband, realizing her manipulative ways, left her and took back the car she used to visit her son. Ultimately, she was left with no financial support and had to face the consequences of her entitlement.

A Happy Ending

The young man was later informed by his mother’s now ex-husband about their divorce and warned the son about his mother potentially showing up again to ask for money. However, the son decided to focus on his own life and hoped that this would be the last he would hear from his estranged family.

People on Reddit were amazed by the son’s story and applauded him for standing up to his entitled mother. They saw it as the universe’s way of delivering justice and felt inspired by his resilience.

If you enjoyed this story, here’s another true tale about children who demanded their disabled father’s inheritance despite skipping his funeral.