A lady failed the written and so.. - Usa Press

We all know that passing a driving test can be quite challenging. It requires a good understanding of the rules of the road and the ability to make quick decisions. But what happens when you fail the test multiple times?

There was a lady who failed the written driving test not once, not twice, but four times! Can you imagine the frustration she must have felt? But instead of giving up, she was determined to pass on her fifth attempt.

Unfortunately, the test seemed to be playing tricks on her. The question that stumped her every time was this: “You are driving at 100 km/h. On your right is a wall, on your left is a cliff. On the road, you see an old man and a young man. What will you hit?”

She had answered this question in every possible way – the wall, the cliff, the old man, and the young man – but still, she failed all four times. How could this be possible? What was she supposed to hit?

Feeling frustrated, she walked up to the examiner and demanded an explanation. She wanted to know why she had failed every time, despite giving different answers.

The examiner smiled kindly and replied, “The brakes! That’s what you’re supposed to hit.”

The lady couldn’t help but laugh at herself. She realized that the real answer was not about hitting anything or anyone but about taking the necessary precautions to avoid such a situation.

And so, armed with this newfound understanding, she went on to finally pass her driving test. Her determination and willingness to learn from her mistakes paid off in the end.

So, if you find yourself facing a daunting challenge, remember this lady’s story. Don’t let failure discourage you. Keep trying, keep learning, and eventually, you’ll find success.