Let me share a little morning ritual of mine – toasting bread. It’s a simple pleasure that I indulge in every day. But here’s the twist – I also toast a slice for my furry companion, Augie Dog. Now, don’t ask me why or how this ritual began, because honestly, I have no logical explanation for it. But it has become a delightful pattern in our lives.

As I stand in front of the 4-slice toaster, I place my two slices on one side and Augie’s slice on the other. The moment that slice is designated as Augie’s, it somehow takes on a special status. It gets buttered separately and cut into quarters. If someone asked me to take a bite, I would probably be disgusted. In my mind, that slice belongs to Augie – it’s his doggy toast.

Now, here’s the interesting part. It’s made with the same margarine and treated just like my own slices. It’s handled only by me. And yet, my mind stubbornly insists that it’s Augie’s toast, and Augie’s toast it shall remain.

You know what Augie enjoys even more? When I spread peanut butter on his toast.

Now, you might be thinking, “What’s so unusual about all of this?” Well, my friend, that’s not a question that needs an answer. It’s just one of those delightful quirks that make life interesting and bring joy to our mornings.