One thing we can always be certain of is that things change over time. It’s inevitable! Just think about your own life and how much has changed, especially in terms of technological advancements. It can be quite astonishing to look back and realize how much has evolved. But, at the same time, it can be quite refreshing!

Now, let’s take a look at this intriguing “thing” that we bet you have no clue about. Unless you were around in the 1930s, chances are you won’t know what it is. And even if you do, well done! It’s definitely an odd-looking contraption, isn’t it? Can you guess what it could possibly be? You wouldn’t be blamed for not knowing. But we’re sure you’re curious! This funny-looking item that resembles a flask or some sort of carrier is actually a 1930s vacuum cleaner called the Hercules!

This retro vacuum is a far cry from the modern hoovers we have today. I’m actually watching my Roomba® clean my floors as I type this! Can you imagine what life was like back then? How fascinating and innovative a machine like this must have been at the time? And yet, now we take for granted just how easy our lives have become thanks to technology and progress.

The Hercules Vacuum cleaner was a very stylish and innovative appliance back in its time. The one pictured above was even covered in crocodile skin, making it quite an expensive purchase. What made it even more luxurious is that it was sold during the Great Depression – a time when many families were struggling to make ends meet. If you did happen to know what this item was, try showing it to your kids and see if they can guess!

They definitely won’t know what this is!

A Brief History of the Vacuum Cleaner

Did you know that the humble broom was not perfected until 1797? A farmer from Massachusetts decided to create a broom that worked efficiently after seeing his wife struggle to sweep. His invention, known as broomcorn, soon became a household name. Of course, as time went by, people got lazier! Several new sweepers and brooms came and went, but it wasn’t until the 1860s that Daniel Hess invented the first actual vacuum cleaner.