A blissful engagement swiftly turned into a nightmare for a woman when her fiancé’s family made an outrageous demand that left her questioning their relationship. This is the story of a woman who believed she had found her perfect match, and how everything changed just days before their wedding.

A Perfect Proposal

“My fiancé proposed to me about 8 months ago. We were madly in love and decided on a small wedding, which is in just two days. It seemed like everything was going perfectly,” the woman shared, her excitement evident.

An Absurd Request

However, only two days before their special day, her fiancé approached her with an outrageous request: that his father check her hymen in front of his brothers and uncles to verify her virginity. The request sounded absurd to the woman, causing her to initially laugh it off. But she was taken aback when her fiancé insisted that he was serious.

Explaining his family’s tradition, the fiancé stated that the bride’s virginity is checked on the night before the wedding to determine her purity. Uncomfortable and shocked, the woman expressed her doubts about going through with it.

Love Versus Tradition

The man insisted that she comply, using the excuse that it would prove her love for him. He even gaslit her, suggesting that she had nothing to hide if she was truly a virgin. The woman couldn’t believe what she was hearing. In that moment, she made a difficult decision – she walked away, leaving her groom-to-be in tears.

“It was a highly dramatic situation,” she commented. Part of her wanted to call off the wedding completely, but she still loved the man and wanted to be with him. She wrestled with the idea of going through this peculiar ceremony just to be accepted into his family.

A Decision Made

Seeking refuge at a friend’s place, the woman took the time to consider her options. The next morning, she met with her fiancé to inform him that she would not allow his family to inspect her, and he needed to respect her decision.

To her disappointment, he insisted on going through with it, claiming that their marriage depended on it. He even accused her of lying about her virginity because she refused to comply. Throughout the conversation, the woman remained calm and rational, trying to explain her perspective. But the more she tried, the angrier he became.

“I told him that if he truly loved me, he would stand by me and say no to his father,” the woman shared. She hoped he would come around, but what happened next shocked her – he slapped her for speaking up. He made it clear that he didn’t need to prove anything.

Finding Strength to Move On

Heartbroken, the woman realized that the man she once fell in love with was not who she thought he was. He had revealed a completely different side of himself. In that moment, she made the difficult decision to call off their wedding.

The situation left the woman feeling miserable. She sought comfort at her friend’s place, allowing herself to process her emotions before picking herself back up. This story left many people speechless, some even thinking it was too outrageous to be true. But the woman insisted that it was her reality.

What would you do if you found yourself in a similar situation?