A woman took a picture of herself running through the rainforest, but when she enlarged the picture, she was scared.

Do you ever come across those spooky photographs online? You know, the ones that supposedly capture supernatural sightings like Bigfoot, UFOs, or ghosts lingering in old, dilapidated buildings. Well, let’s be honest, most of these images aren’t as terrifying as people make them out to be. Often, they’re just a result of camera blurring or the creative handiwork of someone with too much free time and Photoshop skills.

However, there are some photographs that leave us scratching our heads. Take the case of runner Kay Borleis, who encountered something unsettling while exploring the Hawaiian rainforest. Now, you may wonder why anyone would willingly put themselves through such a physically demanding challenge, but let’s focus on the mystery at hand. Kay apparently ran five laps of a twenty-mile loop through the dense jungle as part of the 2019 Hawaiian Ultra Running Group Trail 100-Mile Endurance Run.

During the run, Kay’s friend Cassie, who was also acting as her guide, snapped some pictures of their adventure. One particular photo caught Kay’s attention. At first glance, it seemed like a normal shot of Kay walking through the bushes on a muddy road. But upon closer inspection, something troubling became apparent. Kay took to Reddit to share her experience, saying, “This picture was taken by my pacer. Look at the person in the picture to the left of my head. Along the trail, there were no statues, and no one ever came by.”

The image reveals what appears to be a shadowy figure in disheveled clothing watching Kay as she runs. However, Kay insists that no one was present when the photo was taken. She shared, “It looks genuine and wasn’t edited or manipulated. This is real.” When you zoom in on the photo, it becomes even more unsettling. It genuinely looks like a spectral presence observing Kay’s journey. But what could it be?

According to local legends, the Hawaiian islands are said to be haunted by the spirits of Hawaiian warriors known as the Night Marchers. These spirits are described as vengeful ghosts, demons, and revenants that roam the land. They are the furious echoes of warriors, heroes, and soldiers from the island’s past. Apparently, ancient Hawaiian beliefs warn that anyone who gazes upon or defies the Night Marchers will meet a gruesome and violent end.

Many believe that the only way to survive an encounter with these spirits is to show them respect, fear, and reverence. One method is to lie still on the ground and bow down to them. By doing so, they say the Night Marchers may spare and forgive those who demonstrate their humility. Kay and Cassie were surely relieved that they didn’t come face to face with these legendary Night Marchers during their journey.

So, the next time you find yourself in the depths of a rainforest or exploring an eerie location, keep your eyes peeled. You never know what mysterious entities may be lurking in the shadows or appearing in your photographs. Stay curious, but also remember to respect the legends and traditions of the places you visit.