Janet and Sandra were having a good laugh at the mishap of Janet’s foster son when they decided to go to a Mexican restaurant. As they sat there, Janet brought up the idea of Sandra and her husband, Mark, considering fostering. Sandra hesitated, knowing that they couldn’t have children of their own.

Suddenly, Janet pointed out someone familiar. It was Mark, sitting at a booth with another woman. Sandra couldn’t believe her eyes. She watched as Mark spoke affectionately to the woman, and anger surged through her.

Janet tried to calm Sandra down, suggesting that there might be a reasonable explanation for what they were seeing. But Sandra couldn’t shake the feeling that her husband was having an affair.

The next day, Sandra decided to follow her instincts. She went to Mark’s office with lunch and was surprised to find the same woman she had seen with him at the restaurant.

Mark introduced the woman as Eliza, his secretary. Sandra couldn’t believe her husband had never mentioned her before. Doubts started to fill her mind, especially when she noticed the beautiful earrings Eliza was wearing.

Later that day, Sandra and Janet planned to confront Mark at a work event. They attended the event dressed in their finest attire, with a plan in mind. Janet distracted the guard, allowing Sandra to enter the venue.

As Sandra waited for Mark and Eliza to finish their presentation, she couldn’t hold back her anger any longer. She shouted at Mark, accusing him of cheating on her with his secretary. Mark tried to explain, but Sandra was convinced she had uncovered the truth.

However, to Sandra’s surprise, Mark revealed that Eliza was not his mistress, but his daughter from a party during his college days. Mark had only found out about Eliza six months ago and kept it a secret out of fear that Sandra would be hurt.

Sandra realized that her anger had clouded her judgment and caused her to jump to conclusions. She turned to Eliza, apologizing for the misunderstanding and assuring her that she had done nothing wrong.

In the end, the secrets were revealed, and Sandra and Mark had a lot to work through. But Sandra knew that they could overcome this obstacle and rebuild their trust.