Once upon a time, a mother and her young son embarked on a flight with Southwest Airlines from Kansas City to Chicago. The little boy, with wide-eyed excitement, had been looking out the window, marveling at the massive planes on the tarmac. Suddenly, a question popped into his curious mind.

“If big dogs have baby dogs and big cats have baby cats,” the boy pondered, “why don’t big planes have baby planes?”

The mother, momentarily stumped by her son’s query, decided to enlist the help of the friendly flight attendant. She encouraged her son to ask the flight attendant the same question that had puzzled him.

With a mix of innocence and anticipation, the little boy made his way down the aisle to the flight attendant. He confidently posed the question, “If big dogs have baby dogs and big cats have baby cats, why don’t big planes have baby planes?”

The flight attendant, whose days were always bustling with activity, looked at the young boy and couldn’t help but smile. Sensing that the boy had been sent by his mother to seek an explanation, she replied, “Did your mother tell you to ask me?”

Without skipping a beat, the boy nodded and said, “Yes, she did.”

The flight attendant, her warm voice filled with endearment, then shared a valuable lesson with the little boy. She said, “Well, my dear, you can go back to your mother and tell her that big planes, especially Southwest planes, always pull out on time. That’s why there are no baby planes. It’s something your mother can explain to you.”

And so, armed with newfound knowledge, the boy made his way back to his seat, ready to share the flight attendant’s wise words with his mother. As the plane soared through the skies, he couldn’t help but feel a sense of awe and excitement, knowing that every big plane had its purpose and played a vital role in the grand tapestry of air travel.

The story of the curious boy and the flight attendant serves as a reminder that even in life’s little mysteries, there are answers waiting to be discovered. With a sense of wonderment and the willingness to seek knowledge, we can unravel the secrets hidden in plain sight and embrace the beauty of understanding.