A Troubled Relationship

Inheriting money from a deceased family member can be a bittersweet experience. For one Reddit user, who we’ll refer to as OP, it turned out to be more bitter than sweet. OP inherited a substantial sum of money, $125,000, from her deceased grandfather. Excited about using the money for her college savings, she faced an unexpected hurdle – her own mother.

A Mother’s Demands

Instead of supporting her daughter’s dreams, OP’s mother had different plans for the inheritance money. She wanted OP to pay her back for all the expenses she had incurred while raising her. Frustrated and confused, OP realized her mother had been taking money from her throughout the years, even breaking into her safe and stealing the funds she had earned from participating in various sports competitions. It was a shocking revelation.

Seeking Justice

Determined to reclaim what was rightfully hers, OP meticulously calculated the amount her mother owed her. Through her records, she discovered her mother had taken almost $125,000 from her in the past, which included the inheritance money. Armed with evidence, OP confronted her mother, only to be met with anger and resistance. Her mother claimed that the money belonged to her because she had spent more than that on OP’s medical bills.

A Bold Move

Undeterred by her mother’s reaction, OP took her case to Reddit for advice. She also sent an email to her mother, threatening legal action if she didn’t repay the stolen funds. However, upon reflection, she wondered if she had gone too far.

The situation was complicated, and OP needed guidance on how to proceed. She turned to the Reddit community to seek opinions on whether she had done the right thing.

Seeking Justice and Closure

Inheriting a significant amount of money should be a joyful event, but for OP, it has become a contentious battle with her own mother. With her mother refusing to repay the stolen funds, OP is faced with the difficult decision of taking legal action. As she waits for advice from the Reddit community, she hopes to find a resolution that will bring both justice and closure to this troubling situation.