Coconut the horse

Coconut, a beautiful horse born in Melbourne, Florida, has taken the world by storm with her rare and striking features. Captivated by her beauty, Scott and Jackie Nelson, who breed horses at their ranch called Down Under Colour, couldn’t wait to share Coconut’s uniqueness with the rest of the world. Little did they know that their video would go viral, attracting over 3 million viewers who couldn’t help but marvel at her.

At just two years old, Coconut made her public debut outside, and the video capturing this moment quickly spread like wildfire. The couple explained in a YouTube description that Coconut possesses markings that are extremely rare, which make her a true gem in the horse world. Not only that, but she is also known as a War Horse, a title held in high regard in Native American culture.

In Native American culture, the War Horse has a sacred significance. It is a majestic creature ridden by the chief or the medicine man, who serves as a traditional and spiritual leader. To qualify as a War Horse, certain characteristics must be present. They must have a shield-shaped marking on their chest, and one of their eyes must be blue, surrounded by a distinctive liner.

The blue eye, referred to as a Sky Eye in Indian Mythology, holds special meaning. If the chief or medicine man were to lose their life in battle, their spirit would be carried to the Gods by this one blue sky eye. And this is precisely why Coconut is so extraordinarily special.

Coconut’s enchanting appearance and the symbolism behind her markings have captured the hearts of countless people. She serves as a reminder of the profound connection between humans and animals and the deep respect and reverence that Indigenous cultures hold for their horses.

If you, too, are amazed by the incredible beauty of this rare foal, we invite you to share her story. Let the world know about Coconut and the fascinating traditions she represents.