Meet our hilarious 90-year-old golfer who decided it was time to hang up his clubs. When asked why he made this decision, he replied, “It’s my eyesight, I can’t see where the ball goes after I hit it!”

But his determined wife had a brilliant idea. She suggested that he go out on the course with her brother Pete, who happens to be a remarkable 103 years old and boasts perfect vision. Intrigued by the proposal, our golfer reluctantly agreed.

As they stepped onto the golf course, our golfer took his swing and unleashed a powerful shot that flew off into the distance, like a speeding jet. Grinning from ear to ear, he turned to his brother-in-law and asked, “Did you see that, Pete?”

Without missing a beat, Pete responded, “Yes, I saw that perfectly.”

Feeling victorious, our golfer eagerly inquired, “Well, where did it go then?”

But to his astonishment, Pete sheepishly admitted, “I don’t remember.”

And with that, our 90-year-old golfer realized that perhaps it wasn’t just his eyesight that was the problem after all. Sometimes, even the sharpest eyes can’t keep up with the incredible speed and power of his golf shots!

So remember, no matter your age, golf always has a way of surprising us.