A Surprising Find

Simon Marks, a 37-year-old computer support worker from Luton, thought he had stumbled upon a sinkhole or poorly constructed garden when a mysterious hole appeared in his driveway. Little did he know that beneath the surface lay a World War II air raid shelter.

Unveiling a Hidden History

Alarmed yet curious, Marks investigated further and uncovered a two-roomed shelter concealed beneath his driveway. Equipped with a ladder and a selfie stick, he explored the hidden space and confirmed with his father, Gerald, that it was indeed an air raid shelter in remarkable condition. The shelter had been constructed with concrete lintels and had remained a secret for decades.

A Clue From the Past

Marks speculates that the shelter was built as a response to a German bomb landing near the house during the war. As they excavated the shelter, they discovered remnants of the time, such as old bottles, newspapers, and other artifacts. Filled with a deep appreciation for history, Simon and his father persevered in their excavation efforts despite the shelter being nearly filled with mud and having a bricked-up wall.

Uncovering History, One Step at a Time

Determined to preserve this historical find, the father-son duo continued to clear away debris, filling the front garden with mud as they went along. The handcrafted construction of the shelter amazed Simon, further emphasizing the importance of keeping it intact as part of their history. With about 5 feet already excavated, they eagerly pressed on, with another 5 feet to go.

Revealing Forgotten Treasures

Simon and his father’s discovery would highlight the hidden histories that lie beneath seemingly ordinary properties. It brings to mind another recent find—a secret fire station untouched for over 60 years—discovered in the cellar of a West Midlands shopfitting firm. These remarkable discoveries remind us that our own homes may hold secrets and forgotten stories waiting to be uncovered.