Airline Rules Can Be Strict, But This Incident Is Truly Peculiar!

When an incident like this happens, it can be quite upsetting. Imagine being denied entrance to a plane for what you’re wearing! This is exactly what happened to Kine-Chan, a Brazilian model and cosplayer who is known for her innovative looks. She was all set to board her flight wearing a costume inspired by the anime character Rebecca from Cyberpunk. Little did she know that her outfit would cause such a stir.

Rebecca cosplay

Kine-Chan’s creative costume consisted of a black bikini, a blue wig, and black sandals. Excited about her character portrayal, she decided to wear the costume to the airport and board the plane that way. Unfortunately, things didn’t go as planned.

Upon arriving at Navegantes Airport in Brazil, Kine-Chan was stopped by airline staff who deemed her clothing “inappropriate” for boarding the plane. This left her feeling frustrated and disappointed. She took to Instagram to express her dismay, recounting the incident in a lengthy post in Portuguese.

“A very annoying situation happened this weekend,” she wrote. “I tried to board at Navegantes airport dressed as Rebecca’s cosplay for an event. I already knew that I could be late, so I was dressed so as not to waste time and could go straight to my room. But I was told to go home and change clothes because the one I was wearing was not ‘appropriate’.”

Naturally, her followers had opinions on the matter. While some agreed with the airline staff’s decision, others showed compassion towards Kine-Chan. One person suggested that she could have easily worn a quick pull-up outfit, like a loose dress or a button-down blouse, over her bikini. This way, she could have saved time and avoided any trouble.

Wearing a dress over a bikini is a common practice among many women who need to change quickly. It’s a practical solution that allows for versatility while still maintaining comfort and style. Unfortunately, not everyone shared this sentiment. Another user expressed their disappointment, stating that Kine-Chan’s cosplay as Rebecca was incredible, and she should have been encouraged and respected for her freedom of speech and creativity.

It’s important to find a balance between respecting airline rules and allowing people to express themselves. In situations like these, communication and understanding are crucial. Hopefully, incidents like this can serve as an opportunity for discussion and positive change.

So next time you plan to fly, remember to double-check the dress code. You wouldn’t want to face a bizarre situation like this!